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How to set up simulators with hgdb

This documentation details the command line options you need to load hgdb runtime into your simulator of choice. For most cases, you need to make sure that the simulator can find The easiest way is to add the directory containing the library into LD_LIBRARY_PATH, if you are using windows.

Cadence® Xcelium™

xrun [commands] -access +r -loadvpi

Notice if you want to set values when you debug, you need to use -access +rw to allow write access.

Synopsys VCS®

vcs [commands] -debug_acc+all -load

Notice that -debug_acc+all slows down the simulation significantly. For most cases, -debug_access+class is sufficient, which gives you minimal simulation overhead.

Mentor Questa®

vsim [flags] -pli
Questa is fairly simple since all you need is point to the library.


Verilator is a little tedious since it is not specification-compliant and thus not event-driven.

First, we need to generate the verilated files with extra VPI flags

Verilator [flags] --vpi ${}

In addition, most signals should be labeled as public, otherwise breakpoints and frame inspection will not work. An easy way is to use --public-flat-rw flag when invoking verilator. In addition to the flags, we need add following code to the test bench:

  • Forward declare the runtime call:
    namespace hgdb {
        void initialize_hgdb_runtime_cxx();
  • At the beginning of the test bench code:

    Also make sure argc and argv are properly passed to verilator:

    Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
    - At each posedge of the clock, we need to call specific callback:

You can check out this test bench for more details.

Icarus Verilog

Icarus Verilog only takes shared library with .vpi extension. As a result, it is a good idea to simply symbolic link to libhgdb.vpi in the current working directory. When you run the compiled circuit with vvp, add the following command:

vvp -M. -mlibhgdb [commands]

Using wrapper tools

If you have installed hgdb via pip, you can directly use the wrapper script to invoke popular simulators. For instance, you can use hgdb-vcs in lieu of vcs and reuse the exact command line arguments. The wrapper scripts insert proper flags to enable hgdb. Here is a list of tools:

  • hgdb-vcs
  • hgdb-xrun
  • hgdb-vsim
  • hgdb-verilator
  • hgdb-vvp