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How to install and use hgdb

Install via pip

The easiest way to get started is to install the compiled shared object via pip. To do so, simply type

pip install libhgdb

You can find the download shared library using the following one-liner

python -c "import pkgutil; print(pkgutil.get_loader('libhgdb').path)"

You can copy it ot symbolic link to places you want to use.

Compile from source

To compile it from source, you need a C++20 compatible compiler, such as gcc-10 or clang-10. Make sure that git submodules are properly cloned.

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd hgdb
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
make hgdb -j
You should see the compiled shared library in build/src/

Runtime library settings

You can change the runtime settings using plus-args when invoking the simulator. Here is a short list of options you can change:

  • +DEBUG_PORT=num, where num is the port number. By default, this is 8888
  • +DEBUG_LOG=1, enable the debugging log. Useful when debugging the behavior of the runtime

There are several predefined environment variables one can use to debug the runtime. It is not recommended for production usage:

  • DEBUG_DISABLE_BLOCKING: when present, will disable the initial blocking. As a result, the simulator will start execution without user's explicit "start" or "continue" command.
  • DEBUG_BREAKPOINT#=filename:line_num@[condition]: where # counts from 0. The runtime will query the predefined breakpoints starting from 0 and stops if corresponding environment variable name not found. `condition`` is optional.
  • DEBUG_PERF_COUNT: when present, the system will collect performance information. Only valid when the library is build with -DPERF_COUNT=ON when invoking cmake.
  • DEBUG_PERF_COUNT_LOG: when set, the system will dump the performance data into the set value instead of cout;


To use hgdb, see simulators and debuggers. By design, hgdb only offers an API for other tools to interact with.

Replay tool

hgdb-replay is a tool that allows you to replay captured trace files. By default, it only supports VCD-based traces files. However, if you have VCS in your environment, the build system will automatically detect and compile it with FSDB support.

During replay, users can use reverse debugging to rewind time using the supported debuggers. Use -h to see the available options.

VCD Rewrite

hgdb-vcd-rewrite is a tool that rewrites the trace files given a symbol table. It is used to refactor the waveforms using source-level symbols. Due to the limitation of VCD format, structural signals are grouped as a module instance. Use -h to see the available options.

DB query tool

hgdb-db is a tool to query the symbol table. It aims to provide an easy way to debug different kinds of symbol table in a human-readable form. It uses menu-based system to navigate.

To see available options, simple do

hgdb-db symbol-table-file-name.db

Then type help in the prompt.